1 st activities
2 nd activities
3 rd activities
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8 th activities




          This activity involves the original natural forest and distributes plants throughout the country in all floristic regions outside the responsibility of the Royal Forest Department. Plants are distributed to government agencies, research centers, experiment stations, academy institutes, schools, temples or other areas where people or the villagers come together to protect plant genetic. Also within the scope of this activity is the exploration, registration, coding of plant clones and the study of plant biology and other fields is done. Supporting and encouraging village volunteers. Protecting the natural forest will protect plant genetic, maintaining a valuable natural resource for utilization when ready.



  Plant Genetic Conservation Project Office
The Royal Chitralada Palace, Dusit , Bangkok 10303 ,Thailand
Tel /Fax : 02-2821850, 02-2820665
E-mail : admin@plantgenetics-rspg.org

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